KONIBIT MEXICO S.A. DE C.V, owner of the trade name KÍNVORI, with address at Lago Wenner #78, Interior
Number 201, Cuauhtémoc Pensil neighborhood, Postal Code 11490, Miguel Hidalgo borough, Mexico City, is
responsible for the use and protection of your personal data, and therefore we inform you of the following:


The Data Subject states:

1. That this Notice has been provided by KÍNVORI to him/her either physically, electronically and/or verbally; and
2. That he/she has understood and accepted the terms set forth in this Notice, and therefore grants his/her consent
regarding the processing of his/her personal data in accordance with what is established in this Privacy Notice.

For what purposes will we use your personal data?

We will use the personal data we collect from you for the following necessary purposes related to the service
you have requested:

  • Contact the Data Subject through the means provided, to confirm the personal data necessary for the execution
    of the contractual relationship;
  • Provide the services offered by KÍNVORI, which have been accepted when the contractual relationship was
    established (such as providing customer service or technical support);
  • Know your satisfaction status with our provided service;
  • Billing and collection; and
  • Provide, renew, retain, activate, change, return or cancel the services/products requested by the Data Subject.

In addition, we will use your personal information for the following purposes that are not necessary for the
requested service, but that allow us to provide you with a better service:

  • Commercial Prospecting

In case you do not want your personal data to be processed for these additional purposes, from this moment you
can communicate the above to us by sending an email to the address [email protected], indicating
the following:

«I do not consent to my personal data being used for the following Secondary Purposes:

  • Commercial Prospecting.»

The refusal to use your personal data for these purposes may not be a reason for us to deny you the services and
products you request or contract with us.

What personal data will we use for these purposes?

To carry out the purposes described in this privacy notice, we will use the following personal data:

  • Identification data
  • Contact data
  • Employment data
  • Biometric data

With whom do we share your personal information and for what purposes?

We inform you that your personal data is shared with individuals, companies, organizations and authorities other than us, solely to fulfill the purpose of the commercial relationship.

Since these transfers are established in article 37 of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by
Private Parties, no additional consent is required from you.

How can you access, rectify or cancel your personal data, or object to its use?

You have the right to know what personal data we have about you, what we use it for and the conditions of its
use (Access). Likewise, it is your right to request the correction of your personal information if it is outdated,
inaccurate or incomplete (Rectification); to have it deleted from our records or databases when you consider that it is not being used in accordance with the principles, duties and obligations provided for in the regulations (Cancellation); as well as to object to the use of your personal data for specific purposes (Opposition). These rights are known as ARCO rights.

To learn about the procedure and requirements for exercising your ARCO rights, you may contact our Privacy Department, which will process requests for the exercise of these rights and address any questions you may have regarding the treatment of your information. The contact information for the Privacy Department is as follows:

Address: Lago Wenner #78, Interior Number 201, Cuauhtémoc Pensil neighborhood, Postal Code 11490,
Miguel Hidalgo borough, Mexico City.

Email: [email protected]

How can you revoke your consent for the use of your personal data?

You may revoke the consent that, in your case, you have granted us for the treatment of your personal data.
However, it is important to note that in some cases we may not be able to attend to your request or conclude
the use immediately, as it may be necessary for us to continue treating your personal data due to some legal
obligation. Likewise, you should consider that, for certain purposes, revocation of your consent may imply that we cannot continue to provide you with the service you requested or the termination of your relationship with us.

To revoke your consent, you must submit your request through our Privacy Department.

To learn about the procedure and requirements for revoking consent, you may contact our Privacy Department.

How can you limit the use or disclosure of your personal information?

In order for you to limit the use and disclosure of your personal information, we offer the following options:

You can register with the Public Registry to Avoid Advertising, which is managed by the Federal Consumer Protection Agency (PROFECO), in order to prevent your personal information from being used to receive
advertising or promotions from companies offering goods or services. For more information about this registry, you can visit the PROFECO website or contact them directly.

Use of tracking technologies on our website

Please be aware that we use cookies on our website to monitor your behavior as an Internet user and provide
you with better service and user experience while browsing our site.

The personal data we obtain from these tracking technologies includes:

  • The number of visits to the website and their duration
  • Traffic sources
  • Pages visited
  • Additionally, it covers areas such as:
  • Your preferred sections of our website
  • Keywords used (words used in your searches)
  • Technical details of the devices and browsers through which you visit our website.

The above information is obtained through an analytics and website tracking tool for statistical and improvement purposes in the positioning of this website. We hereby inform you that we will not share this data.

These technologies may be disabled, according to your preferred browser, by following these steps:


Start Google Chrome and click on the small three dots in the upper right corner. Select Settings.
Click on the Privacy and Security section, find the Cookies and other site data entry and click on it.
To disable cookies, turn off the switch next to Allow all cookies. From now on, cookies are blocked.

When you decide to re-enable cookies, follow the same process to access this page and simply reactivate the
function. This is how cookies will be automatically accepted.

Internet Explorer

To disable cookies in Internet Explorer, follow these steps:

Open Internet Explorer and click the small gear icon in the top-right corner.
Select Internet Options.
Choose the Privacy tab and click on the Advanced button.
On the next screen, select Block for both first-party and third-party cookies. Finally, uncheck
«Always allow session cookies».
Click OK, then close the windows. From now on, IE cookies are disabled.

To re-enable cookies in Internet Explorer, repeat the above steps, but this time select the Accept options.
Alternatively, you can select the Ask option, which tells your browser to ask for permission to accept or
reject cookies individually.

Microsoft Edge

To disable cookies in Microsoft Edge, follow these steps:

Open Microsoft Edge and click the three dots in the top-right corner.
Click Settings.
Click Cookies and site permissions.
Click Manage and delete cookies and site data.
Turn off the switch next to Allow sites to save and read cookie data (recommended).

To re-enable cookies in Microsoft Edge, simply click on the same switch to activate it.


To disable cookies in Safari, follow these steps:

Open Safari and click Safari in the top-left corner of your main menu.
Select Preferences.
Click on Privacy and select Block all cookies.
Confirm the warning message.

To re-enable cookies in Safari, follow the same instructions. Then, uncheck the Block all cookies option.

For more information on the use of these technologies, please consult the following websites:

How can you find out about changes to this privacy notice?

This privacy notice may be modified, changed or updated due to new legal requirements; our own needs for the products or services we offer; our privacy practices; changes in our business model, or for other reasons.

We are committed to keep you informed about the changes that this privacy notice may undergo,
through our website.

RLF-REG-02 Last update February 17, 2023